Boyfriend help.. please reply !

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    Well how do i start…

    i used to be in a relationship with a boy called Daniel… this is who the babys dad would have been but unfortunatly i lost the baby.

    i love danny to bits but its just hard as he is an immature person for the age of 18.. when i lost the baby in a way i was pleased as i dont think he could handle the baby and i would be doing all the work in the relationship.. but in a way i think he might change and become more mature. i want to try for another baby, my heart and mind is set as i cannot handle the loss of this baby.. but do i try again with danny or do i move on and wait till im in a serios realationship??

    danny may be immature but i do love him and i think the world of him, i would do anything for him.. absolutly anything its just can he handle it?

    please reply and thanks for reading


    i dont think you should try for a baby again so said you USED to be with a boy called danny,are ye not together anymore?im so sorry to hear you lost your baby but i think you are right in waiting for someone older and more mature who has the same priorities as you before you try for another little of luck hun xxx


    although you may love him very much ur love for a baby will be ten times stronger. I really think that it would be a very bad idea to put a childs life into someones hand that you are not sure will step up. It is much better not to bring a child into a unsure situation if it can be prevented. Good luck with everything


    wellthats def a tough discuusion sorry for your loss i also had had a miscarrage at 15 weeks about 6 weeks ago.i know its hard to cope n you want another baby but i would wait a lil while n see if danny changes at all cause you ovbly., love him n want to work out your relonship but you def dont want to have a baby with a immature person cause if hes that im., than he isnt going to be able to cope with a baby wait n see tell him how you feel n that he needs to amke certain changes give him somethings to work at n see if he trys than if he does maybe than think about it if not im sorry to say but its ok to be with him but i wouldnt have a baby with him., good luck n if you ever need to talk you can email me mommy6

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