Blood Test???

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  • #16605

    I was suppsed to be going to the docs for a blood test but heard someone say that if your pregnant they cant tell from a blood test… Can only tell from a urine test (hpt) Is this true? Please tell me Im confused now! xxxXXXxxx


    Hey girl, I am sooo sorry I told you someting that I just found out is not true! Someone in my family told me that you cant tell if you are pregnant from a blood test, but I just looked it up on the internet…the truth is you can tell after a certain amount of time after your ovulation date (10-12 days). So I am sorry for confusing you!


    Hi it was a user on here i wont say the name bcos she was sorry lol it confused me loads! But its sorted now so im deffo going for tht blood test!!! I’ll let u all no soon 🙂 xxxxxxxxxx


    Blood tests are more accurate than a urine test..go to the doctor and let us all know!!!!


    no no no
    that person it totally wrong
    the pregnancy hormone
    will show up ALOT better with a blood test.
    IT will also give you a more acurate answer.
    Hope that helps

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