birth control

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    so i’ve been hiding my birth control from my parents because they don’t even know that i am having sex, but i heard that the reason u take birth control is to make your periods lighter and less frequent, but i finished my 1st pack, and my period was heavier than it’s been in months, so i don’t know what happened but until i find out, i stopped taking it, what’s up, if n e 1 knows, please fill me in!:(



    Birth control really only belongs in the confines of marriage and even there it’s a questionable. Some doctors however, prescribe it for people with hormonal imbalance who end up having very irregular periods.

    Please refrain from sex at this point. If you must take these pills, consult a doctor. However, let me reiterate: sex is really best in marriage and though you may not get pregnant, pills can never stop the emotional anguish that comes with feeling used and the feeling that your feeling of emptiness doesn’t seem to want to abate.

    Take care.


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