big issue, i need help

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    ok so i m 16 years old and im pregnant. the reason i know is that i didnt get my pieriod this month and that i took a home test and it was possitive. i am about a week late on my pieriod. my boyfriend tol his parents about it and their very supportive about it. but now we have a bigger obstical… my parents. im afraid that my parents will take me away from the father and that they will make me move somewhere else. my parents arent as lienient as his parents are and right now i fear for the wost that might happen.

    what would be a good way to tell them?

    thank you


    you should have him and his parents sit down with your parents so you can have the support you need to tell them……..good luck


    i went to my school guidence counclier for adivce and they helped me tell my mom.. who then told my dad.


    i agree with fullyalive77…..she has a very good idea….and if u fear for ur life or any such thing u may consider going to the police before u tell ur parents and inform them of ur fears and see what they say….just keep in mind that it’s illegal for ur parents to force u to get an abortion or force u to give ur baby up for adoption…
    i wish u all the best….good luck….

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