bad stomach pains:(

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    hey girls ive been having really bad stomach pains over the past few days. i also have really bad headaches my stomach to me has gotten bigger and ive been gaining weight like 5 lbs in the past week and im the type that doesnt gain weihgt. oh yea when i walk my stomach feels like im on a roller coaster and im wicked dizzy. im not sure if its preggy symptoms or all the stress going on with my life please help id really appreciate it:)


    Hi. You should probably do a test if you havent already. Try and get to the doctors if its positive coz pains arent always a good thing. Sounds like you could be but wait for the test result.


    Could be either or both. Get a test and get some results


    Well here is a few things to think about…. when ws the last time you had you’re period?? Are you being sick in the morning?,tender breasts,bad moods?? if yes then yeh there is a possibility you could be pregnant. Even if you are not sure, Go to the doctor and find out for certain. I know it might be a bit "AHHHH" at the start but if you see a female doctor or even a nurse, she will talk things through with you and what you’re options are. She will give you a pregnancy test free of charge and everything is confidential! Good Luck and let me know what happens!!

    Emma xx

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