I am not a doctor but I am a mom and pregnant with my third and I would say it is safe to say that it is your baby that you are feeling, I am a few weeks behind you and have been feeling the baby for a few weeks now, I guess I just know what to expect cause it is the third time for me but it wont be much longer before you feel hard kicks and can even see little elbows and knees stick out and move across your tummy like a little alien in there…LOL…it is sooo fun…my baby has kicked hard enough to be felt from the outside like 3 times, I just had my husband put his hand on the spot and apply a little pressure and he could feel the tiny little thump but for me it was much harder…so no, you are not crazy and it is not too early to feel that little baby disco dancing in there…LOL…also your baby can hear you, if you read books with a lower mellow voice your baby will grow familiar to your voice and recognize it after birth, it is a good way for daddy to bond with baby while in the womb…Meg