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October 10, 2006 at 1:55 pm #12165
hey guys, im 24 1/2 weeks pregnant wit a little girl and need some name advice!! her last name is gonna be amaya
im thinkin:
sadie elizabeth amaya
or i like the names isabella, ella, aleta..
someone give me a SUGGESTION PLLLZ
i like DIFFERENT names, names not everyone has as my name is ashley n i know about 664848464 ppl with that name
please give me some input girls!!:)
October 11, 2006 at 1:33 am #12173Anonymous
Do you like ethnic names? If you are Irish for example you could choose a gealic name. Names I like for girls are Chiara, pronounced Kee ara, or Maria, Bridgit or Sheila, or Bernadette.
October 11, 2006 at 6:53 am #12181jjs mom
well if i have a girl (not pregnant yet!!) i want to name her ava tiara or olivia i like those names, i think jasmine is a beautiful name but my husband say’s if we do have a girl we can not name her that. well good luck. let me know what you have chosen
October 12, 2006 at 7:50 am #12211LandynsAuntie
Ok here are some names with middle names that are different that ive heard ppl use in my town…..
Landyn MaLain
Harlye Belle
Aspen Lace
Alexis Jade
Mackenzie Jae
Kynlee ???
Karsynn Rain
Kadynce ???
Jasmine ReignI also like Isabelle and Lacye as different first names
October 12, 2006 at 9:34 pm #12219Sadie17
Hiya, my name is Sadie and all my life i have been told my name is lovely and i have only ever known two other girls called Sadie but be aware that my name does get shortened to Sade, just to warn ya. Lilly Mae and Amelia are nice names too best of luck x
October 13, 2006 at 1:52 am #12225Anonymous
some of the names i liked would be
eva marie/
killi marie
them are 2 names i likedOctober 14, 2006 at 10:53 am #12257Kaileyamanda
I like the name Eden (my boyfriend turned it down though) and Adalae (ad-uh-lee) sorry, cant do phonetics. We are using the name Faith. It’s not that it’s original but i don’t know anyone with that name besides Faith Hill so why not? There’s a lot of good baby name books out there.
31 weeksOctober 15, 2006 at 7:33 am #12267laurel89
for a girl i like ayla christina or elle for a first name.. for a boy i like jordan or ryan.. not very original but oh well.. my boyfriend likes kaith.. like faith but for a guy.. :side:
October 15, 2006 at 8:24 am #12268soon2b07
i my self like the name allison or annalise but out of your names that your deciding from i would pick sadie
October 15, 2006 at 10:11 am #12269mommytoele
Hello! I choose Elizebeth for my baby girl’s name.
But any name you pick, I’m sure will do!
Nicki π
October 17, 2006 at 2:20 pm #12316dillon12
when i have a girl i want to name it ither maddison or baillie any ways gud luck with the name and the baby.
October 24, 2006 at 6:21 am #12468krystelandgabe
If my baby is a girl, i am going to name her, Mirah Nicolette Driscoll
Post edited by: krystelandgabe, at: 2006/10/24 21:16
October 24, 2006 at 11:50 am #12485mommytoele
I love the name "Hannah"… Hanna Katilen, but because I choose Elizebeth for my daughter- that would be number one on my list…. Let me know what you all choose!
October 24, 2006 at 2:40 pm #12494lissy012207
If i was having a girl, i liked Kaidence Aldoncia. Aldoncia is spanish so i guess unless you or the dad is latino, that middle name wouldnt work. lol
I also thought about
Maya (not Mya.. Maya as in Mayo with an a. lol) Chache. (K-a-shay)
Maya Chache. It means "beautiful Aurora)
I’ve never heard anyone with that name and i really like itOctober 24, 2006 at 3:26 pm #12497jazzy_jme
HI! congrats! i also like very original names…i love researching names and finding meaningful meanings (i know, reduntant) I also like the idea of naming the baby after important places or people in my life…for example: i lived in Ithaca NY for a while and love the name Ithaca.
here’s some others:
Kevrinbut i think baby names are a very personal thing and can come from anywhere or any person. Have you thought of your favorite characters from movies, books, plays, etc? Or combining different names together. Also you can create a lot of names yourself…adding new letters or taking them away – ex: Avid (david), Or like one reader suggusted Kaith for a boy…see how creating ames could be fun and not too hard?
or using nicknames for names and cross gender names – ex: Ryan and Scottie for girls….
Hope this is helpful…i just love names and their meanings….check online too there’s helpful sites as well as books…good luck!October 26, 2006 at 3:03 am #12532baby_girl_lyons
ayanaReal big on hawaiian names i think that they are beautiful!! as far as middle names not to sure but i was always told that a middle name always means something big and always has a special meaning!!!
Me and my boyfriend are going to choose from these names but we are definatly stuck there all so beautifuL!!!
Good luck in choosing your baby girls name
October 26, 2006 at 3:52 am #12541mommytoele
I am still going with my daughter’s name, Elizebeth… "Lizzy"
October 26, 2006 at 11:16 am #12560tyffanie_88
Before I lost my baby girl…her name was gonna be Xarrianna…It sounds like you would spell it Zarrianna…Well thats all the names I can think about because if I ever get pregnant again…and its a girl…thats wat I’m gonna name her π I hope you can think of something in time…you dont wanna ponder & think when you have her & the nurse is standing over you waiting for you to tell her a name LOL π
October 27, 2006 at 10:03 am #12585Anonymous
I don’t kno why but I love the names Jennifer, Paige, and Kaycie. When I got pregnant if i had a girl my Daughter was gonna be named Jennifer-Paige Elizabeth.(I like the hyfinated name). And for a son it was going to my Tyler Anthony..I miscarriaged and I still plan to use those names for my children.
<3Brinnay, 17
October 28, 2006 at 4:49 pm #12627kez_mummy_2_skye
I’m in the same boat as you.I’m stumped for names esp boys names although i really think im gonna have a girl.
I like that name you have picked out!October 31, 2006 at 3:36 am #12691Anonymous
im having a boy (in two wks!) but if i would have been a girl, i would name her Giavanna, Evette, or LaToya.
Good Luck!!! gina lynn
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