are this the right sign…

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    okay so me && my boyfriend of two years have a great relationship and are always really careful. me and my boyfriend maybe has sex three times in the begining 2 weeks of april and we used a condom and to our knowledge we checked and none of them broke. but now i am 10 days late on my period. my boobs have become really sore lately and feel harder…which never happens to me. i also feel extremly tired and have been going to be much early then usual and feel tired all day long. and i feel like i always have to pee && it is a sudden urge not gradual. i also am moody but i dunno if that is related to it bc it would be too soon. i just need to now bc for some reason my mom keeps askin if i am so i dont know if she has a bad feeling or if she just realizes im late. i am waiting until friday to take a test. but what do yall think??


    moms just know when something is up….my mother-in-law knew when i called to tell her that she’d be a grandma…but just take the test and see….


    if you are sexually active then there is always a chance that you could be pregnant….being 10 days late and having other symptoms sounds like you could be…..I would be honest with your mom and take a test now….if you are already 10 days late then your chance of accuracy is really good….take it with your first urine of the day and dont wait any longer than you have to to find out to mae sure you get the est care you can if you are pregnant…..if you are not pregnant then remember that the only form of birth control you cant get pregnant on is abstinence…….Meg


    Sounds a lot like it. At the same time, back in September of last year I was convinced I was pregnant. Had all of the symptoms, was moody, etc etc. My husband and I got excited and were making plans to move, all the works. Then in the middle of August, after five false pregnancy tests, my period came. I found out in January that I am pregnant, and I was 10 weeks when I found out. I had NO symptoms that time.

    My advice would be to go ahead and get the test out of the way. Buy one of the two packs, just in case you get a negative. The bad thing about home pregnancy tests is even if it says negative, you could still be pregnant. However, if it’s positive, your pregnant. It detects a hormone that is only present during pregnancy.

    Don’t let it eat at you. Talk to your parents and take the test. Or take the test and talk to your parents. How ever you want to go about it.

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