anyone from Philipphines can help?

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    i have a gf in Philippines. we are far apart. she is now pregnant and decided to give birth. I am shocked when i know this bec i am not the father of the baby 🙁 i dont want her to suffer in this hard moment so i will support her to give birth.

    My problem is that she is not good in health. I think it’s too risky for her to have normal birth. I wanna know how much it costs for the giving birth surgery in Philippines (somewhere around manila)

    any info related to give birth in Ph is appreciated.


    I am not from the Philippines, but I think the best place to start is to call the hospital or birthing center and ask how much it is going to cost for a c section without insurance, or with the insurance she has. You should be able to find out ahead of time. Most places here let you make payments, so if you talk to them ahead of time normally they will work out whatever you can do each month. I am sorry that your gf is pregnant with someone elses baby, thats so hard! You are really sweet, and a real man to be helping and supporting her!


    i am from the Philippines.. and it was around.. 80thousand to 100 thousand pesos..


    Hey Thomas-
    You can contact this center too. They can help you with the information and assistance you and your girl friend might need!
    Pregnancy Support Services of Asia
    A. Arroz Avenue
    Makati City, Philippines 1108
    632.586.3069 & 632.403.7179
    Website –

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