anyone else is this happening to?

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      Ok well my name is caitlynn and im 15 years old and 19 weeks and 5 days pregnant. i live with my gram and she wants me to give the baby up for adoption but i dont think i want to. she said that if i keep it she will put me in a foster home and the only close to my area is 100miles away..i dont know what im going to do im writing a letter to my dad to see what he says but idk what to do…the father of the baby’s dad is very supportive no matter what we decide but if my dad doesnt let me go with him the only other one i have if the babys other grandpa and i dont know how to ask him if i can stay with him…i just found out its a lil girl and i dont think i could give it up does anyone have any advice for me on what to do or how to talk to the ppl i need to?:unsure: 🙁 :dry: :blush: :S Thanks


        if you dont want to give your baby away DONT coz you will regret it and your situation could get even worse.
        If you feel in your heart that u want this baby keep it, you have family around and even though they dont seem supportive now wait until they meet the baby and see how you are doing with it, i bet they WILL change.


          well everyone wanted me to give my son up, but i was never told i would be kicked out. How old is the father?
          well i would never give my child up inless i KNEW that i wouldnt be able to take care of them. i someday want to adopt a child, but never give one up. its your desiion but thats my input.


            I think you are very brave. If you don’t want to give up your baby, there shouldn’t be any reason why you would.
            If the father of the baby can’t have you living with him/renting out a place together, then there are always options you can take.
            How long is it until you reach 16? I think that there are woman and child shelters that accomodate you if you are 16 and over, and sometimes even when your less (I’m not sure if this is the case where you live though, it’ll be up to you to have a look).
            I went there when my son was three months old, because it was absolutely impossible to live with my parents, I was never forced to give my son up, but I don’t think I could even if someone tried to force me. Shelters aren’t a pretty place, but they’re something, and they’re seriously not that bad — you know in your mind and heart you won’t be there forever.
            There’s also the option of trying to live with your friends, although that is VERY problematic. I’ve also heard of families who ‘adopt’ women with babies and let them board at their house, I think that’s a form of foster care.
            God bless and good luck.


              Wow I bet ur going through some hard times right now!! but u have to learn to be strong, don’t give away your baby, cause no one can force you to giver her up. Maybe ur granny was upset when she said she was gonna send u to a foster home, u’ll see that w/ time there gonna learn and accept u and ur baby!!!

              good luck:)


                I think your very brave and strong for your age. Im 18 and pregnant I decided to keep my baby. Though adoption is always in my mind if things dont work out. I want my baby to have the best so im just hoping i can do that. If you want your baby fight for her and im sure everything will work out. There will be loads of help for you. Try connections or social services. I think maybe you need to prove you may be young but your prepared to raise your baby! Good luck xx


                  Hey hun, Have you looked into schools for pregnant and parenting teens? or a place that will pay you to continue your education? there are places that will pay you to continue your education OR schools avalible to girls who would like to keep their kids and finish school, they’ll accomodate your living and finances.

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