Any one want to chat?

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    Hey evryone, how are u,
    i posted a while ago when i was pregnant and my computer broke so i havnt been able to get on since then 🙁 Anyway, i was just lookin for advice really and anyone who wanted to chat.I was 4 months pregnant when i miscarried in august, the only reason they gave me was stress.I havn’t really coped since then, i need to grieve properly i think but i honestly dnt know how to.It s like all my emotions have been switched off, im just in a daze most of the time! I dnt know what to do about my ex/ would be father either, he was never around when i was pregnant but since i lost the baby he has given it all this i wanted to be a dad, and i would have supported you, – where was he when i needed him?? Neway he has even suggested we try again for another baby, we were not tryin the 1st time! I guess i want ppl to listen to me for a change instead of him. I miss my baby like crazy, i had even named him, pretty sure it was boy -trey. I dnt know what to do with myself anymore, i just seem to shout or cry never talk. Anyone who wants to chat or has msn, i would really like to get in touch, thanks for listening,
    Take care love jenna x


    🙁 Hi hun
    It is not easy I know and you will walk around ina daze for some time.
    One day you will find yourslef lauging and then one day you will not think about the baby . That day will come it just takes time.


    hey, i’d love to chat. message me back


    I would love to chat. Please e-mail me. =)

    I wish you the best of luck!

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