any advice?

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      Hey, on the 1st or 2nd my husband and i decided we wanted a baby…well we did what we had to do and now its the 9th and i started my period yesterday and i was wondering if that means that theres no way im pregnant or if we just decided to late or what im kinda worried about this…does any one have any advice? :ermm:


        Some women have thier periods while thier pregnant. Unfortunately most couples don’t get pregnant as soon as they decide to start trying. Me and my husband tried for a year before I concieved so you have to give it time. If you really really want to get pregnant then I would suggest tracking your BBT and figuring out when your ovulating. You can find ovulation calanders online and it will give you a good guess. But it will happen when it’s the right time. Don’t worry too much. I did and finally when I said "fine, i’m not going to try anymore" then it happened. Oh, don’t forget to take your pre-natal vitamins. Even if your not pregnant it will help get you ready!
        Good luck 🙂

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