AND I CRY part 2

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  • #12979

    well I took the pregnancy test…its negative…although its only been a week and 5 days I took one any way…just to see if the horomone showed up in my body…I’m still concerned though because I feel like I took it too early…because according to doctors they predict your due date according to the first day of ur last period…I had sex 4 days after my period…so technically it would show up til my next period right?

    please help!I’m a little confused!


    thats sounds right to me. I went to the doctors after getting a positive result 6 oct 06 calculating my last period which would have made me 14wks at the time..i was so sure.I then had my ultrasound and she said i was only 9wks 6days and that i had just skipped a period that didn’t show so maybe thats what you’re gonna have?

    Good Luck Tiff


    no, as long as you took if after your period was already due it should be right so your probably not pregnant.

    gina lynn


    I took a pregnancy test the day after my missed period and it showed that I was pregnant so…..if you took it as early as the day after your missed period it should be correct but remember those are only 99.9% accurate. So, either wait a week and take another one or go to your doctor and see if they will do a blood test to see if you are pregnant.



    Just to be the medical marvel that I am heres what happened to me! I was supposed to go for sugery on my stomach, was very nervous and woke up one day and decided I was pregnant. Took a urine test which came out a big ol negative, told the doc I still thought I was pregnant ..sent me for a blood test which was a big ol negative…so just to shut me up tah dah he sent me for an ultra sound and lo and behold…8 weeks pregnant. You never know whatcha gonna get. I harbored a mystery baby that didnt show up on the tests, one who did show up as having a high probability of being special needs and abnormally stunted in growth, intelligence and capability to function properly physically so they told me…. ABORT!!! Guess what technology can be a you know what because I gave birth to a perfectly healthy little girl and the only thing wrong with her I can honestly say is SHES TOO SMART FOR HER OWN GOOD!!:P :ohmy:

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