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  • #12897

    1 year & 6 months of pain, tears, miscarriage(s), happiness, rings, necklaces, mean words, and most of all lies! My Bf & I broke up FOR GOOD on November 4, 2006! I cried all night on Monday because it really hit me that we werent gonna get back together & that we were done for good. But what makes it soo bad is I hate that I still love him & it makes it hard for me to love again. I dont know rather him & I were meant to be together or what? I heard he is talking to somebody else or something like that…As much as I thought it would bother me…it doesnt because I know he wont find another chick like me…but It hurts soooo bad that I love him soo much sometimes I cant hold it in and burst out in tears…its just tearing me apart inside…but the WORST part about it is I THINK I’M PREGNANT! πŸ™ AND I CRY, CRY, CRY, CRY πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™


    good for you for being strong enough to get yourself out of a bad relationship. i pray that you stay strong. i know what your going through and of course it’s hard and painful and you will need plenty of time to heal your heart before you will even want to consider dating again. i know just how you feel girl. i pray that you will stay strong even though it is so hard but remember that with god’s help you can get through anything.

    gina lynn


    let it all out!! its okay to cry. Hey like you said you are one of a kind so he misses out again. Hopefully he will realise this but then again you probably dnt want someone that is going to cheat on you. Keep us posted as to what happens with the pregnancy tests

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