Am i pregnant!!! Please Help.

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    Please help me!!!
    About 3 weeks ago i had a bad sexual experience. I won’t go into it.
    Latley i’ve been feeling really, reallly tired, and i’ve had a lot of nausa.
    I get really hungary 2 but then when i start eating i don’t want it anymore. I also feel sick after i eat. Could i be pregnant? I’m only 14. Please help me!!!


    i think you shoud take a test or go to a clinic and then u can know for sure but do not worry i have your back no matter what theout com may be



    It’s hard to tell from symptoms alone. Have you missed your period? The best way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test. You could get one and take it at home or you could contact Birthright or a crisis pregnancy center in your area. They usually offer free confidential pregnancy tests. Best wishes.



    Hi Nessy,

    Do you know when your period is due? It’s possible you could be pregnant but also being stressed out can delay your period…..


    those are the symptoms of pregnancy but i often feel the same and i get my period every month. for a couple months i didn’t and the doctor just said my body was changing your best bet is knowing for sure make an appointment.


    i went with my boyfriend for a year we have never used protection during sex sometimes my period would be late but then it would come and so on with every month so i ignored it untill i missed a period when i went to the doctors it was negative me and my friends still think im pregnant sometimes but i still get my period how would i ever know if i was and if i can have kids.


    whwen I was twelve my sister got pregnant at 15 and that’s when I got pregnant also.You need to go get a test, because this is very important. What if a problem occurs.


    ummmmm…… well let’s see, I’m 15 and I have had the same boyfriend for about 3 years, and so we decided to ‘change it up a bit’ and so then i was having those same symptoms, i went to the doctor and found out this weekend that i am around 2 months! I’m so scared!


    Please Help Me!?!
    I am 19 years old. When I was 17, I was in a pretty serious relationship. Things got bad, and I went to the doctor. I had to have sergery on my ovaries and am not supposed to be able to have children. I havent had my period. I am 2 1/2 months late. I took two pregnancy tests. The first test was positive, for the first few minutes. Then the line went away. I went to my local health department and the nurse said the test wouldnt read. Now I have to wait a month and have a papsmere. I cant wait. I am so scared. I cant eat or sleep, it worries me so bad. I have mood swings like crazy, I got so hungery, then I start to eat and get sick. I dont know what is going on. Please help me.


    hey there i would go and get checked because somthing reeally bad could happen to you and you don’t want that to happen best wishes and i have your back the whole way……. :ermm:


    Yes, it’s very important to find out if you are pregnant. If you are pregnant, you need to take folic acid and prenatal vitamins (you can find them in the vitamins part of the pharmacy section at Wal*Mart) to help your baby develop properly. It’s also important to know if you need to take it easy and stop lifting heavy things!

    To any virgins reading this: stay a virgin until you’re married! I didn’t and it still haunts me that I didn’t save myself for my husband like he did for me.

    God bless you! Have a merry Christmas. I will with my beautiful 2.5-month-old baby girl and loving husband! (she’s so cute…she can push her head up now with her hands and arms when she’s on her stomach, and make fun little noises)

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