Am I pregnant? Missed some pills-please help!

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    Hey, I am new here, have been sitting on the net for about an hour looking for advice and I found this place! I am on the pill and have been for a long time, but last month I missed 3 pills in one week, and had sex during the following week. I got my period but it was a lot lighter than usual and kinda stopped for a day in the middle which it doesn’t normally do! I don’t know what this means, but the more I think about it, the more I think my boobs are hurting, and that I’m feeling really sick and tired- but I don’t know if it’s all in my head just cuz I’m worrying?

    I don’t really know how the pill can affect the symptoms, or what the odds are of getting pregnant while you’re on it. Any help would be much appreciated!



    Hi lizzybee.

    Im in the same situation right now. I’ve only just finished my period a week ago (it was also light and a bit different from normal) and now am feeling sick most of the time and cannot eat alot of foods. I am pretty certian I am pregnant (as I have had these symptoms before) but unfortunatly I think the only thing we can do is wait until we miss a period to take the test. No one can say for certain that you are or are not. perhaps you should talk to your doctor?


    Unfortunately, this is one of those things no one can really advise on other than to tell you to take a test. The pill can make your period different if you missed some and even cause other hormone-related changes. I would take a test to be on the safe side because you don’t want to continue to take the pills if you’re indeed pregnant. Depending on how many weeks it’s been since you messed up your pills, the test will or won’t give an accurate reading. I’d say at least a month is a good time when the tests are the most likely not to give you a false negative, so keep that in mind. If you have doubts at all, get a blood test at the doctor’s.


    well ive been taking hte pill for a while too. and best believe ive missed and skipped days. the pill does make ur preiod go wack..mine has gotten shorter and lighter..And i have yet to fall pregnant. but then i hear about people that do get pregnant while on teh pill..all the advice i can really give you is to take a is the only way u can no..


    Well, the pill can make your period do weird and odd things…and sometimes when you THINK your pregnant, your mind and body plays tricks on you. I was on the pill and got pregnant, but I just missed my period all together. If I was you I would get a home pregnancy test just to be on the safe side.

    Good wishes!


    Hey girl, well just wanted to know did you use a back up method? I think more than likely you are if you didn’t use a condom u know. Need more advice wite back.:P


    Hey there ive just read your blog and im in exactly the same situation as you been on the pill for nearly 4 years and have never had a period like it mine was just like yours light and then stopped for a day and then light again and now its stopped again. Ive also got an ache in my lower abdomen and my back is killing me! does anyone have any advice im going mad with worry. Have you done a test yet or got any advice from anyone.:( :S


    ok well im also on the pill and have been for 5 years.. if you miss a pill you aint covered for a week but as you’ve missed 3 pills in a row? then you could be pregnant… i hope that helps a little


    heya, iv been just like you, i missed 5 pills in 1 week, ano stupid, and my period was lighter and my boobs wer hurting for abou 2 weeks but i wasnt pregnant, i think because we have been on the pill for so long i dont think it really matters much when we miss a pill, im not saying that u cant get pregnant being on it but i have missed my pill loads of times and i have never been pregnant being on it. gud luck x


    You could be pregnant i would take a test and go see your doctor. But you also could be looking to far into it and worrying about it that much that you actually think that you have symptoms but your not.


    The only form of birth control that you can not get pregnant on is abstinence… there is a chance that you could be pregnant….have you taken a test yet?? sometimes in early pregnancy your hormones are not elevated enough so a blood test would be a good way to go….I hope that you will have answers soon so that you can set your mind at ease or start getting the best care you can get for you and possible baby….either way, no matter what happens I hope that you will consider abstinence….I was sexually active for 10 years and had two kids from two dads and a heavy broken heart before I made that choice…I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 years until my wedding night and I will never regret that choice and I believe that my marriage is more blessed than it would have been if we had slept together before marriage….you can make your own choice and I am not here to point a finger or tell you what to do but I hope that you will consider my input…there is a lot less stress in the life of someone who remains abstinent….no unexpected pregnancy, no fear of STD’s or AIDS, and a lot less feelings of being used or rejected in a breakup….take care and let us all know what comes of this….Love and Prayers…Meg


    The only form of birth control that you can not get pregnant on is abstinence… there is a chance that you could be pregnant….have you taken a test yet?? sometimes in early pregnancy your hormones are not elevated enough so a blood test would be a good way to go….I hope that you will have answers soon so that you can set your mind at ease or start getting the best care you can get for you and possible baby….either way, no matter what happens I hope that you will consider abstinence….I was sexually active for 10 years and had two kids from two dads and a heavy broken heart before I made that choice…I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 years until my wedding night and I will never regret that choice and I believe that my marriage is more blessed than it would have been if we had slept together before marriage….you can make your own choice and I am not here to point a finger or tell you what to do but I hope that you will consider my input…there is a lot less stress in the life of someone who remains abstinent….no unexpected pregnancy, no fear of STD’s or AIDS, and a lot less feelings of being used or rejected in a breakup….take care and let us all know what comes of this….Love and Prayers…Meg

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