So, I started my period on October 6, 2006 then didn’t start again until November 12, 2006 and it was spoty for 2 days then I stopped then I was spoting for like another day. I am never late on my period so I freaked, then it started. Well, lately I can’t seem to eat anything. I feel bloated and tired all the time. I feel like my stomach is getting bigger. I have stomach pains, but no morning sickness. Although I feel sick when I wake up. My breats are sore (just the nipples.) and the nipples seem to be more erect all the time. (I have an inward nipple, well, it’s not inward anymore…) I feel like I have to pee all the time or pressure on my bladder. (sorta the feeling of and UTI) I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I thought by now, if I was pregnant, something would show up. A friend says I sound pregnant, but I would like some other advice too. I am going to try another test in the morning… HELP!