am i pregnant???

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  • #25208

    [i]so i have a couple questions…

    when the egg implants itself in the uterus is there anyother symptoms besides implantation bleeding????
    because i believe im pregnant and like my stomach is real sore.and i’ve never felt this before.
    besides other symptoms i’ve experienced such as
    *always peeing
    *always pooping(ewww.sorry)
    *always eating
    *bad headaches
    *mild to intense cramps
    *and side and back pains[/i]


    You don’t feel the implantation just the spotting occurs or no spotting at all, maybe you did something your body wasn’t used to,
    You wouldn’t be feeling symptoms if you havn’t missed your period after implantation bleeding. It is most likely your body is just changing or it could be a weird period. I wouldn’t worry if I were you it is extremely unlikely that you are pregnant.

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