am i pregnant

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  • #24704

    hi everyone. im very worried that im pregnant wiv my seconed baby woz on for 2days on 20thmarch and 21march2009 then nothink but wks b4 my so call period or spotting i was gettong all pregnancy smptoms headach tiredness hard 2 go for a number 2 and hurts wen i do boobs tender slightlt bigger and weird pains thou my belly plus cramps 😉


    Hi Twiggy,

    Your symptoms came before you had your period for 2 days, so it seems that you may have had a lighter than normal period. It can happen. But if you’re truly worried then you should wait until your late for your next period (about 5 days late) then have a blood test done at your clinic.

    Hopefully, if you are pregnant, you have some people who will support and love you and your baby. Are you married or single? Is there any other questions or concerns that you may need help with?



    Have you taken a home pregnancy test? If not, do that and then come and let us know what the result was. Try not to worry about it too much until you find out for sure, ok?

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