Am I Pregnant?

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  • #18173

    well im wondering if im pregnant??…i read all the signs..and i’ve got all of em but nasuea…my boobs have gotten bigger and the veins are really showing…i read that that was a sign of milk forming..i eat alot and i eat weird things some times…like the other day i ate pepperoni with peanut butter on it..and it was really good…in a way i want to be fiance’ really wants it too..its just so hard to tell..i took a pregnancy test like last month..but it had 2 lines but one was lighter then the i really dont know on that deal…i have frequent urination..and the discharge but im still not sure..sine i took dat test i’ve had my period..but it was earlier then im waiting to get it this month…can anyone help?


    You should go see your doctor. Some of the symptoms don’t happen till 3 months so it would be kinda wierd to get them so early. Good luck


    i think you should go to the doctor and get a blood test,itll settle your mind,and the two lines on the pregnancy test sounds sketchy,that usually means you are of luck xxx


    You could be pregnant even if you get your period. I know someone that had theirs through out their pregnancy. I also had that problem with the two lines and one was not that dark, so I went and got the test that has pregnant or not pregnant. those are much better. Good luck


    well if you tok a test n there was two lines you are most likey preg not 100% but most likely some woman get there pe.,..s when there pe the 1st mo or so its rare but it can happen. go to your doc asap n have tehm do an exam n test they can tell you for sure n make sure all is well wether you are or not. good luck keep us posted

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