Am I pregnant

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    I was inseminated Wed Oct 4th for the second time. I have been feeling really bloated, feverish and have had cramps and waves of nausea. I haven’t, however, noticed sensitivty to certain smells nor tenderness in my breasts. Could I still be pregnant?


    I think it would be too early to tell…but just wait it out! Good luck.


    Please don’t let yourself get too excited or expectant (way easier said than done). It’s a real disappointment if you believe that you are pregnant but are not. Please forgive me if I’m too forward. I just know how difficult it is to not hear the magic words. I don’t want anyone to experience the disappointments that I did. Just try very hard to relax and find out in time. It makes everything easier for you and for your unborn child. Stress is the worst thing for both of you and your husband, as well. Try to ride the wave and stop looking for the obvious symptoms. It will be so much sweeter for your family. God bless you.


    you could be, take a test to find out for sure. good luck.



    I know (it is my experience) that if you do the blood test, you can find out in the first week. My first B-HCG test was 28 (just 3 UI/mL more than the low limit), now, it is more than 2500… You should do the tests as soon as possible!

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