am i pregnant?

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    im 16, and i had sex with my boyfriend two times.. (my first and second time ever).. but anyways, we used a condom both times and it didnt break or anything, but im due for my period anytime now, but havent gotten it. I havent really had any of the early symptoms of pregnancy, but i have had some cramping in the past few days, which usually doesnt happen until i get my period. My boyfriend, and my best friend told me that everything was fine, that i am going to get my period, and that im not pregnant. I think i am just worrying about it too much, but i am still paranoid that i am pregnant and that i wont get my period. I’m new to all of this pregnancy stuff so could you guys help me out? Even just to reassure me that im not pregnant, any feedback would help to calm me down. :unsure:


    if the condom didnt break then u shouldnt be pregnant? But if ur not sure just go and see a doctor about it. But i think ur just paranoid. But if u dont get ur period then its best to go get check.


    The best way to tell if youre pregnant or not is to go to the doctor and request a blood test. It has virtually 100% accuracy after the first week of conception. This test can not only tell if you are pregnant or not, but if the pregnancy is progressing normally and probably how far along you are. There are many symptoms caused by pregnancy including:
    1. missed period
    2. period that was light and/or brownish
    3. morning sickness
    4. frequent urination
    5. tingling, tender, swollen breasts
    6. darkening of areaola (brown area around nipple)
    7. darkening of line from navel to pubis
    8. blue and pink lines under skin on breasts
    9. food cravings
    10. changes in color of vaginal and cervical tissue to bluish violet
    11. light cramps without a period
    If you have any other questions, write back. Tell me if this helps any!



    try to relax sometimes worrying makes it worse you sound like you guys were very safe just dont worry take one day at a time :cheer:


    Sometimes your cycle changes due to stress, over-exertion, lack of proper nutrition, etc. It could very likely be something relating to that. If it’s still late, like the others said, going to the doctors is a good idea, or taking a home pregnancy test. Most over- the- counter tests are fairly reliable, particularly if you take them more than once to make sure, and most can still do a good reading, early on in pregnancy as well.

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