My preiods have never been very regular, but I have not had a period now for about 5 or 6 weeks. I have done 3 pregancy tests all of which were negative. This morning I started bleeding, but very lightly and have read that this can happen when you are pregnant. I havent had any other sytoms as yet, but am confused because tests are showing negative, the last one was Wednesday last week. Anyone else been in the same situation? What happened?
I was in a similar situation back in college. My periods also were very irregular, but it had been about 7 weeks since my last period and that was unusually long. I was pretty freaked out! I took pregnancy tests but they came back negative. I wasn’t convinced. I made an appointment with the collee health center. The doctor said I was not pregnant but the irregularity might be due to stress. My period started two days later. I know how you feel. Perhaps if you see a doctor they can do a blood test or check to find out if there are any other medical reasons for the changes in your cycle.
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