hi, i had my period which lasted 6 days. on the 6th day there really was no bleeding, just a little discharge early in the evening. that night at like 11.00 i had unprotected sex twice where both times he did not pull out, in fact stayed there when he was done. the next morning there was still some sperm in me that came out when i used the bathroom. this all happened on nov. 3rd, now since last thursday i have bben experiencing some sysmptoms, my breasts are tender and more fuller, im more tired, more emotional, i felt lighheaded almost dzzy for the first time today, and today i started peeing more. also in the morning when i pee its more yelliw, a little foggy and stuff floating in it. my fertile time has always been right when i get off my period, just those first few days. i already have 4 kids. im not due to get my period untill nov.25th, i took a test yesterday and it came out neg. do you think i could be pregent. im really deperate for what you think. thanks