Am i preg??

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  • #13495

    I missed my period and i have been with out it sense August.. i’m scared and i don’t know if I’m pregnant. i have had headeacs some back ache here and there. i feel sick some of the time in the day not mostly the night. i have gained some weight not alot thoe i think. i eat alot then i use to. i pee often and have to go often. so am i I’m scared and i know what to do but i just want others opinions. :blush:


    u might be pregnant .. take a test to make sure or go to the docotrs . thats the best way


    Well, if you hadn`t had your period since august thats a really long time. I would suggest that you DO SOMETHING, a test, doctor. Good luck.

    gina lynn

    girl you waited a long time, you should go to the doctor and get tested right away so that you can figure out what to do if you are pregnant (which it sounds like you are) plus you would need to get on prenatal vitamins right away if you are pregnant. good luck

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