am i making the right decision

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    well you see it is this way. i have been with my boyfriend for a while and we want to get married and start a family. he wants to have a baby right now and so do i.
    i lost my son last year to premature birth and it broke my heart and left me with a hole that seemed to never go away. and ever since then i wanted to have another child. so when my boyfriend told me that he wanted to have a baby i was excited and we started trying.
    but now that i might be he is scared and so am i that we made the wrong decision. so what should i do.


    You’ve already lost one child, and I hope that you will not lose another through abortion. The grief is the same. 🙁
    First of all make sure you are pregnant. If you aren’t, then you and your bf have a chance to reconsider trying to have a baby. If you are, go over it with him- remember it’s a life-changing event and it’s normal to have second thoughts :S , but since this baby was wanted you may have already developed some kind of bond with your son or daughter. No force is stronger than a mother’s love for her child!


    please please keep your baby
    already he/she is a precious little human, and you will never regret having them. i have a little boy and he makes my life worth living. i get so much joy out of watching him learn and talk and do new things every day.
    even if you’re not sure, think of another option, like adoption. there are so many women out there who aren’t as fortunate as you and who can’t concieve
    a child. if you can’t keep your baby think of giving him to a family that will love and care for him. just don’t choose abortion, it is such a horrible practice.

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