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    [color=#800080] hello , all i’m new to this site i really didn’t mean to end up here but as i was looking up info on the net about abortions i found myself clicking on this one instead.
    ok let me tell you a little about myself. i’m currently 19 years old and my boyfriend is 29 years older then me so yes that would make him 48! ( :ohmy:) i can only visualize the looks on your faces. Anyhow we’ve been together for a little over a year now. we are both in love which makes the 29 year age differences seem almost non existent. The thing is i though that i had gotten pergnant this month but i didn’t tell him anything about it because i wanted to know for sure. so as i played the waiting game i began to collect my thought’s . that’s one of the reasons [/color]why i decided to look up abortion info just because i wanted to be perpared. i knew for a fact that he would ask me or tell me that an abortion was the best choice for me. due to the fact that i’m only in my second year in college. so i thought that if i looked up some sites that explained what happened during the process of an abortion then he would change his mind. but it turns out that i’m not pergnant after all aunt flow gave me an early morning visit.
    i found myself more then disappointed. i mean i don’t understand why is it that i feel like i want to have a baby not just a baby but his baby. is it wrong for me to feel this way? i mean i’m only 19 what would i want with a baby now. i want to become a doctor and my boyfriend feels that having a child now will hold me back. however i don’t feel the same way. we spoke last night about and i explained to him that i can go to school until the baby was born and then for about one or two semesters after that i can stay home with the baby and take my classes over the net since my school like many other colleges offer it as an option. believe me when i say that i’m trying hard to fight the feeling but it just seems to fight back even hard. so i ask what should i do and how hard is it to rise a child when you yourself are still young. will i be able to go to school and be a good mother?

    thanks for taking the time to read this
    maria 😛



    Wow 29 years difference..that’s quite a bit! I would guess that it might be more difficult because I would have to imagine that you are at very different stages in life, but I guess you are both adults and love can be strange sometimes.

    Especially if you were convinced that your boyfriend would push that you should have an abortion, it is probably best not to try to get pregnant at this time. I know when I had a couple of pregnancy scares in college I was mostly relieved to find out that I was not pregnant, but there was a small part of me that was a bit disappointed to find out the test was negative. If you got in the mindset thinking that you might be pregnant and thinking about the possibilities of pregnancy and motherhood it makes sense that you would feel like you want to have a baby.

    It is possible to balance school and pregnancy and motherhood, but it makes things much more complicated. I would focus on school for now. I would focus on your relationship. I would wait until you are married and until your partner feels ready to be a father before I would try to get pregnant. Best wishes.


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