All Day Sickness!

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    Ok really….i might sound a bit upset…excuse the language if i get too upset…but seriously…wth can i do about this all day sickness?? all i do is sleep…try to eat..drink water (since everything leaves a bad taste) and throw up.:sick: I have cravings…but i cant eat too fast or too much. Ill get sick. This is realllllly f’in rough on me. Im sure ive lost weight…I cant even sleep too long…my limbs fall asleep nd i get irritated and frustrated and just wake up nd well….go to my computer like im doing now….IM SO UPSET.:angry: ..I WANT TO CRY AGAIN! IS THERE ANYTHING THAT WILL HELP ME OUT??? Im begging now….i dnt like this constant sick feeling….:(


    go to the doctors and see if there is anything you can take to help because if you are constantly throwing up the baby wont be getting any nutrients from you. Keep up the fluids so u dont dehydrate. I hope it gets better for you… How far pregnant are u now?


    i know exactly how you feel i stayed sick like you are explaining for my first three months. but i wasn’t losing any weight! i was gaining a lot of it!! lol! i would just say to talk to your doctor about it.


    Sounds like me – and mine lasted 7 months 🙁 But, I finally found a couple things that helped A LITTLE bit. There are these wrist bands for motion sickness, called "sea bands" (I think) Wearing those worked quite a bit actually. Also, you might want to try some different kinds of tea, just make sure they are safe for baby. Good luck…it’s sucky, but you’ll get through it!!!


    Weclome to Pregnancy. This is what you get when you sign up!! :laugh:


    if it’s really bothering you that much go see ur doc….there are meds that you can take for the sleep thing….

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