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    [b]i may be pregnant . i am in a sex only relationship for three yrs and now i am a few days late. i dont know how i am going to tell this guy. we really don’t have a relationship do you think he’ll care i am pregnant. any one has or is in similiar situation. also neither of us used protection


    If it is a sex only relationship, he may leave you if he hears you are pregnant. The only way to really find out how he would react is by actually telling him. I have a friend who was in the same situation (and 13 years old). She had been with the same guy for two years, but only for intimacy. It suprised her (and me) when he stayed by her side upon finding out she was pregnant. You should really talk to this guy and see what he thinks. You won’t know unless you ask. You should also take a HPT or go to a clinic to make sure you are pregnant.
    Hope that helps!


    I wouldnt even bring it up until you find out for sure. Test yourself more than once to make sure. If you are, the most you can do it just tell him and theres a 50/50 chance on what hell say. I mean, 3 years? he had to think about what would happen if you got prego at least once ya kno? or bring it up jokingly n see what he says. i hope it works out


    I wouldnt even bring it up until you find out for sure. Test yourself more than once to make sure. If you are, the most you can do it just tell him and theres a 50/50 chance on what hell say. I mean, 3 years? he had to think about what would happen if you got prego at least once ya kno? or bring it up jokingly n see what he says. i hope it works out

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