advice neededdddd:/

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    I’m 15 and here’s my story…I have been dating my boyfriend since November 8th, 2010 :kiss: . We dated in August for a little less than a month before I broke up with him for someone else, yet he still hung on and he gave me second chance…anyway a few weeks ago we had sex at his house and my parents didn’t know I was even goin to his house, and I am still not sure how to tell my parents…well my mom. I want to tell my mom because I’m trying to be more open with her, but she went to all girls high school and didn’t loose her virginity till she was I’m not sure if she will understand can someone help me figure out if i should wait a little while before telling her or what :unsure:


    I can understand where you are at. I couldn’t even face my father after I found out. My bf had to do it. The best way to tell your mother is just to ease it on slow. “Hey mom, we need to have a little bit of a talk…” instead of just flatout “I’m pregnant.”. All you can do is hope she understands and is compassionate about the critical turning point in your life that you have just entered.

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