adoption? yes or no?

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    hi i’m 17 and 6 months pregnant. my boyfriend just left me because he says i yell at him all the time (being pregnant gives you horrible mood swings). i love him so incredibly much and we were supposed to raise this child together. i don’t wanna lose him but pregnancy really sucks. anyway, my question is, should i give the baby up for adoption? even with him, i’m so scared to raise a child with us being so young (he’s almost 20). i don’t know what to do. anyone who’s ever adopted their baby out, please help me.


    sounds to me you need pregnacy councling realy bad!It may be that you are just unsure of your parenting skills and if so parenting classes and a young mother support grupe may be all you need to rase your baby you self with or with you babys father.If you serrously have reservations you can decuss it with your councler she can put you in touch with a good adoption agency and make sure you get the support you need as well as help with liveing exspences and medical exspences.As far as your babys daddy gos WHAT DID HE EXSPECT WITH ALL THOSE HORMONES SERGING THREW YOU ,THAT YOUD BE MISS CONGENALTY!)Babys daddy needs to grow up and be responcable whats he going to do whin baby is screaming at him leave too?Stand tall Stand strong and serch out a pregnacy councler shell do you a world of good.


    Hi there i have a child who is 2 1/2years old now and i was 16 when i had him, im not with his father because he was cheating on me but i didn’t find out till i was 7months gone and he didn’t stay around and he not now but i was thinkin of doing the same as you but i changed my mind when i got him in to my arms and i had family around me to help so all i can say is could you live with your self. i known if i did give him away i would not see him grown up and that when he gets married i will be there seeing my child grow up. It don’t matter if the father is there or not all your child needs is you think of all the things you could see your child doing. like walking and when he/she is ill they will come to you to be looked after , think about it i can’t belive i was thinkin about it and it will get easy

    From Jemma

    PS; hope you make your mind up soon and let me no. 🙂 [/b][/b]

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