Abortion worries!?!?!?

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    🙁 i am 6-8 weeks pregnant can anyone tell me what kind of abortions are available to me. i really dont want to have any surgery. -please help me i am so scared but i can t keep this baby.


    🙁 why on earth would you even think of abortion!!!! It’s murder you taking a life’ that is so selffish!! I’m gonna pray so hard for you to keep this little Angel. I have 3 boys of my own and they are a blessing. please reconsider. if you really don’t want it give it up for adoption.


    How old are you and are you SURE that you have thought about the abortion process all the way through?

    Best of wishes to you and yours!


    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/10/24 01:37


    If you can not keep the baby, but are scared of abortion, why not put the child up for adoption? Abortion is not your only option,
    You may want to abort this baby because you are afraid to admit the circumstances they were concieved under. However, killing the child to avoid facing the consequences of your actions will not allow you to escape the consequences, it will only lead to more dire consequences. Wether you abort this baby or not, you will not escape the knowlege that this baby existed. Try to think past your fear and the criticism you expect, and contemplate the little heart that is beating inside you at this very moment, this child that is entirely dependant on you. If you can find the strength to stand fast for eight more months, you will not have to live the rest of your life knowing you destroyed one who totaly depended on you, and who had done you no wrong. Please do not condemn your child to death and yourself to years of regret becasue of your fear. Fear will pass away, but death can not be undone.


    I hope that you have all the options you need before making this choice. Abortion always seems to make people regret whether it’s a few minutes or whether it’s a few years down the road. I wish you the best…


    Listen, I tell my story to everyone but i really want you to listen to me. I’m turning 17 on October 27th. I got pregnant in April. i was in a bad car accident in february and i cant move my left arm. I cant lift it or anything. I can only move my fingers and wrist. The day i went to get my surgery, the dr told me i was pregnant. The dad is 22. I have to try to get around the system so he can sign the birth certificate and i have to be a 17 year old mother, raising a child with ONE arm. Most people can barely raise a kid with two arms. I havent talked to any of my family besides my mom in 5 months when i found out i was pregnant. I still kept the baby. If i can do it, then you can do it. Please dont kill an innocent child. Theres always adoption.


    abortion is not the way to go.

    i myself had abortion 2 weeks ago and let me tell you it is the most hardest thing to do ever.

    if you can raise the baby give it up for adoption. i wish i gave my little one a life instead of abortion but my bf would not let me


    Hey ,think things twice!Why you cant have your baby?Having a baby is such a beautiful thing and I know is not easy .Abortion is a really big issue thaht not everybody can deal leater on with that.Remember is not your babys fault,so my opinion is; Please think a lot about having an abortion, if so have any advise with somebody that had and abortion before too see what you can gain with that and what can happen .Good Luck!



    I believe in Adoption. Abortion is not right if you are responsible enough to have intercourse… I wonder how many more people agree/disagree with that…

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