abortion changed my life

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      My name is Kristen and I am writing this to help all the teenagers out there to get through a very tough point in their lives. I am now 24 happily married with a 3 year old and another one on the way…but when I was 16 my life took an unexpected turn…HERE IS MY STORY.

      I must say at 16 I was looking for that one thing to make me feel good about myself. I found it in sex. I didn’t care as long as a man wanted me, My father had left when I was 12 and NOW Isee that I reached out to men to fill that hole in my life. Around thanksgiving I found out I was pregnant. I hid it from everyone. The only person I told was the father. I wanted to keep the baby and I told him that. He made his decision, he left me. So I was all alone in a little girls body dealing with a very adult situation. And I was scared.
      One night, before Christmas, I sat down with my mom and let her know the truth. She was upset and the next day scheduled the event that would change my life and my views on abortion forever.(In Illinois your parent can decide what happens to your unborn child)
      After the first of the year I went to the clinic. I was so scared and so unsure why this was happening to me? I never in a million years had tought that I would be the girl who was having this unthinkable thing done to me and my child.
      At first the room was quiet then, all the other women waiting there seemed to start telling their stories of why they were there. One a single mom with three kids already, One a 14 year old little girl who had been victimized by her step father. One a middle aged woman who had 3 grown children and could not see raising any more. The last was me a teenager who had used bad judgement and had unprotected sex.
      We bonded that day in that little waiting room. Then MY name was called I was next.
      I walked in the operating room and I could feel was fear. I lay down on the table and said a little prayer for the child growing inside of me. I asked God th watch over my precious little one. And then all I could feel was pain. I remember squeezing the nurses hand and crying. They had told me it would take less than 5 minutes but it felt like a lifetime. And then it was over.
      So what have I learned? That it was probably the right thing to do at the time. That I would NEVER do it again. That every childs life is a precious gift that should not be entered to lightly. And that I will always remember that little life growing inside me.

      Abortion is not always the answer.
      Remember all children and pray for them daily even those forgotten about by their parents

      Post edited by: SweetTea, at: 2006/11/11 18:15

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