a wanted pregnancy…but no support, please help

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    my boyfriend (fiance?) and i are very much in love. We have a good stable relationship and for the most part practiced safe sex. Then, one night we hadnt planned it and were careless. Needless to say, I got pregnant. However, my boyfriend and I arent looking to abort. We want this child. We know they will have a loving family…US! :kiss: and wouldnt dream of letting anyone else raise them. But we know we’re young. We looked online for some support sites, but all we get is "prevent teen/unwanted pregnancies", abortion clinics, and safe-haven help. We just need support and help on raising a family at our age. We’re both about to turn 18 and have enough money saved to buy a decent aparment, we’re budgeting and both working. We really want to give our child everything. We already love our baby-to-be very much. Please help us out!


    Well welcome to the site…My name is Meagan and I help out on here and have had two unplanned pregnancies, I now have a 5 year old daughter a 3 year old son and a 3 year old stepson and I am expecting my 3rd baby but the first with my husband….I am due in July…You are in the right spot and I am proud of you for keeping this little gift from God…you and your boyfriend will never regret this baby…I am sure you will meet many other girls like yourself on here and find tons of other pregnant friends to walk through pregnancy with….I am here anytime you have questions or feel like talking…Love Meg meg@standupgirl.com


    Congratulations on the pregnancy, and welcome to this site!
    There’s a lot of horrible stuff you can find on the net, I know. I’m sure you’ll make great parents, and don’t tell anyone else tell you otherwise!
    Where are you from?
    p.s.Im 19 with a two and a half year old son, he wasn’t planned, but I love him to bits! Feel free to ask me any questions or if you want to chat. I absolutely love this site, and I hope you’ll enjoy it too!:D

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