a life

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    🙁 I was almost a aborted baby! my mom didn’t want a nother kid. There is not a good reson to kill a unborn baby. if you got pregnaunt it is for a reson. god has a plan for you and having a baby must have been one. i have been rapped i didn’t get pregnaunt but my friend did. i talked her out of a abortion.
    her baby boy is the cutest sweetest baby i have ever seen. please don’t kill something marvoulse. love crystal:)

    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/12/02 02:34


    Well said Girl……
    I’m glad someone out there is standing up and helping others change their descions.
    I would never ever get one done. Seeing a 9wk old on the screen is an almost fully developed baby and people still continue to have abortions up until 20wks into pregnancy 🙁

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