9 weeks pregnant and don

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Personal Experiences – Just Let It Out! 9 weeks pregnant and don

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    Whom ever just sent me the nasty reply about disrespecting my husband and that I should have used birthcontrol. First off just let me say I am the most truthful and honest person!I WOULD NEVER DISRESPECT MY HUSBAND!! I was on birth control. My husband and I were in agreement about no more children. You do not know me! I did not think that post a situation as many do would result in nasty replys! I thought we were all here for the same purspose!


    i cant belive that someone on here would say a thing like that we are ment to b here to suport each other. people with those thoughts should keep thm to there self. hope u got more good feed back thn bad. hope all is still ok


    wow…i’m srry that happened to you…i agree….we are all in here for the same basic purpose…because we either don’t know what to do. need help, or just want to talk about our situations….once agina i’m srry about that….


    dont take whatn that person said to heart… that was rude and un called for. so dont let it get you down…

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