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    Hi Babes, Well I am six days late now, i have a 26 day cycle and am never ever late! Ive been really moody at the slightest tiny things and exhausted for doing nothing! Been eating loads more than usual and my br*asts are sore and tender. I get backache and lower tummy cramps like im about to come on ma period but i never do! I woke up 2 days ago and was sick and have felt naseous lately to. So whats goin on with me? I think i might be pregnant cos i had unprotected 3 times last week. im 16 and got a bf but he said he dont want any babys jus yet but if i am pregnant i am deffo keeping it! I did a home pregnancy test (HPT) on monday but it came back negative, so maybe its jus too early to tell if i am? and i had had loads of water b4 so maybe that made the result negative? Im going the docs this wednesday for a blood test but will it even show so early? Please help i need some advice! (Sorry its long) Luv Jess xxXXXxx


    Hey girl, for one thing my name is Sarah, I’m 14 and 36 weeks pergnantt. Yup, from them symptoms there definetly is a possibility that you just might be pregnant! : ) Even though those dont come until later on…like after a month or so. Maybe all that is just in your head because you are worried. Girl, especially if u had unprotected 3 times! You should take another test and you have to take those in the morning before you eat or drink. I dont really think it has that much to do with it, cause I took mine in the middle of the day, and it was still positive. I do think going to the doc is the best thing, then you will know for sure, but blood tests dont show if you are pregnant. Only urine tests do! lol I hope everything works out the way you want it too, and good for you that you are going to keep your little one! : ) That’s definetly the right choice! I promise…

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