Hey girl, for one thing my name is Sarah, I’m 14 and 36 weeks pergnantt. Yup, from them symptoms there definetly is a possibility that you just might be pregnant! : ) Even though those dont come until later on…like after a month or so. Maybe all that is just in your head because you are worried. Girl, especially if u had unprotected 3 times! You should take another test and you have to take those in the morning before you eat or drink. I dont really think it has that much to do with it, cause I took mine in the middle of the day, and it was still positive. I do think going to the doc is the best thing, then you will know for sure, but blood tests dont show if you are pregnant. Only urine tests do! lol I hope everything works out the way you want it too, and good for you that you are going to keep your little one! : ) That’s definetly the right choice! I promise…