I can hardly believe it….today May 8th my daughter turned 5 yrs old…..I am sitting here reflecting on the moment I found out I was pregnant with her…her dad said abortion and my mom and my sisiter jumped up and down in excitement and I didnt know what to do….I thank God that I kept my little girl… I have been through so much in these past 5 years and I dont know what choices I would have made had I not been looking out for her…she has really changed my life and caused me to grow up….for anyone out there who has an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy just stop for a moment and think about 5 years down the road…..I am a completely different person than I was then…maybe you will be too….the same things that worry you now will not have the same effect down the road….thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you have a good day….Meg