3rd time lucky

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    I have just turned 20 and recently found out I am pregant for the 3rd time. My daughter is 2 and a half and my son is 9 months I dont know how to handle it. the father left me when he found out.



    I’m sorry to hear that the father left you when he found out you were pregnant. That’s pretty lousy. Perhaps your family could be there to support you emotionally and financially for the pregnancy. I think there are support groups out there for single moms too…that might help. You could contact your local crisis pregnancy center or Birthright also for financial and emotional help.

    You could also try to get shild support from the father even if he doesn’t want to be a part of the baby’s life. Hang in there. Best Wishes.




    I feel for you girl. I’ve been there. My son’s father walked out on me the day I told him I was pregnant, and I was so scared and alone. If you absolutely dont think you can handle it, there is always adoption, but my best advice would be to go after your childrens father/s for child support. Your babies deserve that money. Also, there are programs out there to help you. I made it through Nursing School as a single mother by relying on FInancial Aid and also signing up with United Way, which paid for my son’s day care while I was in school. I know what its like to be a young mother with several children. I just turned 23 and I just had my 4th child. Just dont give up.
    Good luck hon, and I wish you a healthy baby.


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