I wrote the one pregnant at 21years old and I wanted to thank the people for righting their responds. It really did help..so thank you.
I also wanted to right that I’am having a baby boy and the doctor says everything looks good. When I first went in for the ultra sound, I was so scared to see something that wasn’t normal. Everything tured out good, and I fall in love instantly. I had tears of happiness in my eyes, and realized he will be my everything. I love him already and I don’t even know who he is…My boyfren and I have worked our differences and everything has been so good. We even got a place together and should be moving in by the end of this month. I’m scared but excited at the same time..everything is changing so fast. My family has been there for me 100% and I’m happy that I’am getting the love I need right now. Somedays I still feel down, but I know soon I’ll have a son, my own place and my boyfren and I will do what it takes to make our son have a happy and healthy life. I’m half way there and soon I’ll be giving birth..OMG thats so scary!!! I hate pain!!! Yeah also at the ultra sound, my baby seemed as thou he was having his own party inside me. It was crazy!! he was doing flips, and basically dancing..crossing his legs, sucking his thumbs..doing everything possible…he seems hyper LOL..I don’t know..the doctor says thats a good sign, so I’m glad hes moving around alot. If anyone has any boy names..suggestions are welcomed. Love you all and thanks for your responds again to my last one.