20yo mum of 2 – things arent always that bad

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    Hi everyone. i am new to this stand up girl thing. i got onto here through a friend of mine who found the site after finding out she was pregnant and i thought i would make a post and see if anyone wanted to have a chat about stuff. not nessecarily about the baby and pregnancy thing. just whatever. after saying this though, i am a mum of two who was single for some time and am no long er with the children’s father.

    Things do seem so hard when you find out you’re pregnant. i was silly and stayed with the children’s father for so much longer than i should have. things were so rough for us and we didnt handle it very well at all. when our daughter was born we had 4 summer jumpsuits when it was April!! and a bouncer. We had to rely on his family to bring the rest in and that felt so horrible to be so reliant on them.

    Things got bad, worse bad again and absolutely terrible. but the upside is i now have 2 children one boy and one girl and they are so beautiful. i wouldnt have changed anything,

    i am with a fantastic guy who loves me for who i am and loves my kids like his own. my opinion is, there is a nice guy out there for everyone and there is a light at the end of the tunnel if having your baby is what you want. don’t listen to others do what is right for YOU!!!

    Send me back an email and tell me about urself. i would love to hear ur story. and i would love to chat.



    Hey I’m Kat!
    I’m a single mother of a 2-year-old boy!:)


    hey kat how are things going? they are all so cute at 2 aren’t they? ecept the terrible two’s of course lol. anyway tell me a bit about urself n ur little man. i have a boy and girl my daughter is angelina and she is 3, my son is nikolas and he is 1.



    Yeah, I’m actually enjoying his age lol! Well he’s two today!:D I’m a single mum, oh well, all guys don’t turn out to be princes i guess ay, and I’m at uni, really wish I could finish sooner and get a better income lol. How bout you!
    P.s. I love your kid’s names. They are so awesome. They’re some of my fav names lol


    You can email me anytime to chat about stuff. I do understand the feeling I watched a close friend of mine go through that. Only she was different in a vain way. you don’t strike me as that way at all. My friend was more concerned with hiding it from every single possible angle. She didn’t want to look pregnant or tell anyone and she became unprepared because of it. So I helped her, so I do know how hard it can be to see someone’s parents helping out so much because after a while she felt so guilty just because she hadn’t thought it all through. I get a feeling that you weren’t at all like my friend in the sense that she was more concerned about her figure. But I hope just talking here helps a bit! ^_^


    yeah income is a problem. i am at tafe (im in australia. hence my wording is different. i assume ur in USA?) part time and working part time which keeps me really busy plus with hospital visits and cleaning the house, etc. definately keeps me on my toes…. wat do u do with ur days?

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