2 negative tests, what do I do now?

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    Hey Eveyone,

    Okay so… long story short, me and my boyfriend had sex around the middle of the month( like jan 19th). My last period was december 5-9. So far I have taken two tests, one a week after the ‘sex’ and one today (saturday Jan 30) my cycle is usually like 28-30days long. Both tests came back negative, are they right? Should I trust them? My next period is expected around the first week of february.. how long did it take all of you to get a positive? Did you have to wait til after your period to take the test?

    Thanks so much
    -Enya <3


    Well today is actually the 31st of Jan, not the 5th of Feb so that is a good thing….LOL…so anyways if you are almost 2 months late then you really need to go see a doctor and get a blood test….that should cleat this all up….if you are not pregnant then there is a chance that something else could be wrong to cause your period to not come on….it is important that you seek medical advice so that you can make sure you are ok….if there is a chance that you could have an std that can also affect your period….the best thing to so is to not have sex at least until all of this is cleared up if not until your wedding night (best option in my opinion), Hang in there and let us know…Love Meg


    haha sorry i meant Juanuary 30, my brain was just on overload haha. My next expected period is around the first week in february (the 5th) sorry for the error!

    and thanks meg 🙂


    A blood test can determine wether you are pregnant the soonest to my knowledge. Two weeks/20 days after conception for the urine tests. If you are pregnant: God bless you and CONGRATULATIONS! Welcome to motherhood. Beloved by God is the fruit of your womb!


    Get a blood test and let us know what it says! 🙂

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