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- This topic has 9 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 19 years, 10 months ago by
April 20, 2005 at 7:43 pm #7459
GuestI am 19 years old, a sophomore in college, and think I’m pregnant. My period is usually pretty irregular, but it’s been about 2 months since I’ve had a period. At first I didn’t think anything of it, because like I said, it is irregular, but lately, my boyfriend and I have started to get worried. He is 24, graduated, and has a full-time job as an electrical engineer, so I know that I would be well supported. We’ve been dating for 8 months, and have had some unprotected sex before realizing, hey, we should use a condom. But we didn’t do it much, so I thought the chances were slim. Besides, we had lots of unportected sex before without using a condom at all, so I thought how could it happen this time. Lately, I have been thinking about how much I love him and that I could marry him, but I’m just definitely not ready for any baby. Although, I am still kind of clueless as to what all I want to do with my life, this would definitely change things. I’m soo scared and don’t know what to do. I did take a pregnancy test, and it showed up negative, so I was relieved, it’s about a week later, and still no period. I feel like I’m starting to have symptoms such as tender breasts and eating more, but those could be the cause of lots of things. I just keep thinking that my period is coming soon.
I am like most of the people you never expect this to happen to though. I am a "good girl". I am a good student, very involved in high school, work at a church camp over the summer, and would like to think I am a person of strong faith and so is my boyfriend, but we slipped. Isn’t that all apart of being human? I am sooooo worried that I am pregnant. I mean I love kids and do want them evenutally but now, I don’t even know what I would do if someone handed me a baby. I don’t think I’m ready to be a mom, and am the most scared about what my parents, siblings, church camp friends, etc, will think.
Anyone have any advice? Any help, even any similar stories would be great. I’m scared to death and can’t think about anything else right now. Please help!!! 🙁April 23, 2005 at 5:50 am #7499Anonymous
GuestI just went through the same thing. MY periods been really irregular latly. But i’ve been pretty good at guessing when i’m going to get. I always get it a couple days before i think i will. This month i guessed that i would get this past sunday. Sunday came and nothing. I really didn’t think anything of it. By tuesday i started to worry. I took a pregnancy test. It was negative. So buy wednesday i called a local clinic and asked to see a doctor because i thought somehting was wrong with me. They told me i needed to come in for a pregnancy test first. I went in wednesday morning. They gave me a test and it was negative. and what do you know an hour after i left i spotted a little and by thursday morning i got my period.
So just relax and go see a doctor if you don’t get it soon. 😉April 23, 2005 at 6:16 am #7502Anonymous
GuestMy father seems to think I am pregnant and hiding it (I might be but I am not sure). I was raised christian and I started thinking about what I would do if I was but I talked to my step-mom the other day and she told me something that made feel better. She told me that we are not God, as humans we see things from a fleshly point of view rather than see all the good that could come of it or see how God could use the situation for his glory. If you are pregnant know that NO child is an accident, if you are then it was meant to be. The child was meant to be born at this specific time for a specific purpose and only you and your boyfriend had the correct DNA to make this exact child. There is no situation God cannot use, your child may be you and your boyfriend’s path back to God. Good luck! I hope my rambling helped you at least a little.
April 26, 2005 at 9:20 am #7554ChantiStar
ParticipantThis was a very good reply. I agree with everything you said.
April 26, 2005 at 10:18 pm #7560Anonymous
Guesthey girl i feel you.
you are so lucky because you are in colledge, it like i’m going trough the same thing with you. but don’t worry if you pray anything is possible because jesus love all his children i will pray for you too. :blush:April 27, 2005 at 4:36 am #7565Anonymous
GuestI am 19 also. I have a two year old son. his name is paul. i can tell you i know how you feel. i was only two weeks past my period. all i did was worry about it. i finally told someone i could trust. i felt better. i then took a test. as you know i was pregnant. i was not ready either but i faced my fears and i am very happy with my decision . I was scared to tell my parents too. but they are your parents, they love you no matter what. Your church friends will except this . Being a person of faith is to forgive and not judge. a true person of faith will do just that. i hope it works out for you but just know that you can do it because i did and it turned out just fine. GOOD LUCK
May 6, 2005 at 9:57 am #7675Anonymous
GuestHey i jsut wanted to say, I too fel pregnant when i was 19. I was married btu we hadnt been trying and it was very unexpected. However we told the ppl we knew woudl support us and got lots of flack from other ppl but Today i have a beautiful 2 year old to show for it and i woudlnt change it for the world. Every smile makes life worth living. Of course what i didnt tell you was i went on to have a lil boy at 21 and am now pregnant with my 3rd. It jsut goes to show it doesnt mean the world is coming to an end, its jsut a new beginning. God wouldnt give you something you coudlnt handle. Children truelly are a gift from god. A Baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, the home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten and the future worth living for. Good Luck and enjoy!
May 7, 2005 at 1:02 pm #7691Anonymous
GuestOh my God! I’m 19 and I think I’m pregnant. I broke up with my boyfriend but we we still having unprotected sex every once in a while. Then lately I’ve noticed my breasts are really sore, I’ve gained some weight, and I had an irregular period. My test came out negative but I know I’m pregnant. I’m sooo scared because my ex doesn’t really have a job that will support me well and I am active in a church with over 2000 members. Very well known in the community. I’m so scared how this will ruin my life. I have not even gotten anywhere in life yet. I’m still not sure what I wanna do. And now I’m pregnant!!! What should I do? I need help. My ex keeps pressuring me to have an abortion, but I am sooo scared to do it. I know its the easy way out, but this is my baby!! How could I just kill it. Please someone, HELP ME TOO!!!!
May 8, 2005 at 11:07 am #7705Anonymous
GuestHey, I went through the EXACT same thing only I am younger. I was raised Roman Catholic, always worked hard in school, was involved in school & church- the typical good girl. My boyfriend went to my church also everyone though we were just a cute couple but like you we were human and slipped up and what do ya know I was pregnant after our first time. What are the odds I know but it happened! I was scared, I had no clue what to do or what to think- the only thing I did know what that I couldnt have an abortion, I have always believed that it was wrong and knew I couldnt turn my back on my faith now. Telling my parents was awful they are such the good christian parents married 25yrs, 3 kids, go to church…blah blah blah. Needless to say they were SO disappointed but they never stopped loving me and now my unborn son. They have been there emotionally, physically, and spiritually. They got over their sadness and disappointment and they absolutely adore their grandson Ethan. It is hard no doubt, I am graduating from High School this spring and continuing on to college this fall. I dont get to go away to school like I had once planned but instead am going to community college and then transferring to a four-year univeristy. I hope to be able to move out on my own soon, but unlike you I dont have a BF that is supporting me along the way. We arent together anymore and he send money for Ethan and thats about it. Good luck and let us know what happens. *Oh just go get a blood test at a doctor’s office-they are vvery accurate and will let you know if you are truely pregnant or not.
Post edited by: pharmon, at: 2005/05/08 05:46
May 12, 2005 at 8:40 am #7771Anonymous
hey y’all… ehm.. i’m new to the boards…i just wanted to give a few responses….
i can so definitely identify with what all is going on here. i too am 19, a college sophomore majoring in information systems engineering, and i am 5 weeks pregnant. i was raised in a christian home [my parents are sunday school teachers] and taught traditional christian values. then i met my current boyfriend and we started dating. we ended up moving into an apartment together and started having a few instances of unprotected sex. about a week ago i remember freaking out because i didn’t have my period yet… and then i ended up taking a hpt and it came out positive. i told my boyfriend my concerns even before i took the test and assured me that no matter how things turned out he would be there for me. now that he knows that i’m pregnant he has committed himself to being there for me and doing everything possible to make me as comfortable as i can be.
and now some advice….
for those of you who think they are pregnant, it is best to see a doctor as soon as you can. this will increase your chances for a healthy pregnancy.
if you have a partner, get them involved with the pregnancy as much as possible.
if you are considering abortion, remember that there are other alternatives to parenting. if you feel you cannot care for your child but the thought of abortion doesn’t please you, consider giving the baby up for adoption. there are many couples who would like to have children but are unable to get pregnant for a variety of reasons.
as many people have said before, don’t be afraid to tell your parents. sure, they may be a bit disappointed in you at first, but they will love you unconditionally. plus, it would be a plus if they were involved in your pregnancy too. they would more often be willing to offer support and encouragement during those months.
anyway, best of luck with everyone and their babies 😛 [/color]
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