17, Pregnant and made a choice

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      Hey all,

      Im cassie, 17 and pregnant My due date would have been the 9th Feb 2006. however, i did not know what to do so my partner and i have made a choice and stuck to it, termination.

      Next tuesday 12/7/05 i will be having a termination, which i will regret later on in life. i feel very selfish as i know that if i did not have this choice there would be no problem with having this child……… the father and i both have good jobs and if we had to could support this kid with love and financially.

      Its terrible, i have been so sick. and sad i just dont know how to comprehend what is happening…….. i have always since i was younger wanted to be a mum and a nerturer.
      What makes it worse is a couple at my partners work have been trying for years and cant have children, but we can do this by accident.

      I feel so many things at the moment, sadness etc etc

      My mother thinks it is my decision and respects my decision

      Can anyone help? or does anyone have any advice for me that may help me through this time?

      Anything would be much appreciated



        Hi Cassie,

        I think you need to reconsider your decision- you don’t sound too sure of yourself. You have two other options, that is keeping the child that is growing within you or giving him/her up for adoption, to a couple, like those at work, that will love it no matter what. I personally think abortion is not the right decision because I am against killing an unborn child that didn’t do anything wrong; it wasn’t his or her fault that he or she came here.

        Think about it. It wasn’t his or her fault, and he or she could live the life God has chosen for him or her. Look, you could even help the other family/couple! You would give them the best gift that could be given!

        Think wisely,


          Hi Cassie,

          It’s never too late to change your mind. It is your body and your decision despite what you and your boyfriend have ‘committed to.’ If you are sad about this already, perhaps you should chat with others that have made the same decision.

          Despite the challenges you will face as a parent, nothing is greater than sharing a love so deep as the love you will have for your child. From what you are saying, it appears that your love for your child has already begun. And please know that becoming pregnant is not an accident-it is a miracle.




            Please explain to me why you’re goin through this when you don’t really want to and you’re not being forced. You and I both know you don’t want to have an abortion b/c your regret it now. Please, Please don’t do it. Give your baby a chance to live. ~Niquole~

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