17 and pregnant. Need advice.

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    So I recently found out I am 9 weeks pregnant (10 tomorrow), but I’m only 17 (18 in October) and my partner is 19. We both know that we are far too young and not financially stable to keep the baby, but I can’t bring myself to abort it. It makes me ill to think about it. I’ve been to the hospital, they refused me the abortion pill because I was so undecided and upset. They told me to come back today and sort everything out if I was going to go through with the abortion (I haven’t, still in bed) he set an alarm to get up and go, but he turned it off this morning and didn’t say anything, just went back to sleep… So last night me and my partner were talking and I know he doesn’t want to keep the baby- he’s not ready, we still stay at home, our jobs aren’t that great… I asked him if he had made his final decision and he said yeah I think so (he didn’t tell me what it was but I know he wants to abort it.) I’m not sure what decision I want to make, I don’t want to go through with the abortion but I know deep down it’s the right thing to do for us as we’re young.

    I’m also very scared that if I go through with the abortion that I no longer feel the same about my boyfriend (I’ve read so many stories online saying they cannot even look at their boyfriends anymore), I love him with all my heart and I want him to have a say in our decision but I’m scared we want different things…. It’s just a very hard situation and I don’t know what to do


    Hi Bethany,
    Thanks for posting. It sounds like you don’t really want to have an abortion. I agree it is quite sickening to think about. I know that your circumstances aren’t good for a child right now, but why make a decision based on your circumstances? Circumstances change and our situations change. No one knows the future and no one knows how things might look different for you even a week from now. Don’t force yourself to do something you don’t want to. Remember this is your body and your choice. Don’t let your circumstances dictate your choice!

    If you know you don’t want to have an abortion, there is no reason to put yourself through this. Love yourself and love your child!

    Let me refer you to a pregnancy resource center. They are located across the United States and can help you with your pregnancy needs for free. There is literally no charge for taking their help and everything is confidential. So you have nothing to lose. To find a pregnancy resource center, just go to http://www.optionline.org and type in your zip code. A list of centers will appear. Call any one of them and tell them what you told us. They will be happy to help you and so glad you called.


    Bethany! Thank you so much for coming here to talk. We love that you did. I was also 17 when I got pregnant with my baby and my boyfriend was 19! It was such a scary situation to be in and I totally understand how you feel. It sounds like you know abortion is wrong and in your heart you don’t want to do it. I want you to know that adoption is always an option. I know going through with the pregnancy will be very hard, its a difficult thing to do, but saving your childs life is so beyond worth it. I really hope you keep the child. I know you’ll do what is right. If you have anything you want to talk about please let me know! You have the choice here.

    We support you and are here for you!



    Yeah pregnancy at 17 can be very difficult and I’m happy that you don’t want for abortion. Seek the help of you parents or relatives to take care of baby and you. You should be determined and stay firm. You’ll soon know how wonderful your decision was.


    It can be a very difficult and confusing situation but I’m sure you’ll be able to cope with it. It’s not bad to seek the help of your parents, relatives and friends. I’m sure you’ll be proud of your decision. Best of Luck.


    What happens just forget and just take care of yours and your baby. May be now would be a mom. Just take care and have healthy foods and some simple workout to be fit.

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