16 with strange symptoms

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    Hi, I’m 16 and for the past couple of weeks I’ve noticed some weird things going on. I’ve missed my period for the past 2 months and I’m usually pretty regular, I remember having unprotected sex around the time after my last period I’ve been peeing alot more frequently, I’ve had nausea but haven’t thrown up, I’ve had headache’s non-stop, and plenty of tiredness and dizziness. I just wanted to know if these could be just that I’m sick or pregnant even though I haven’t thrown up. It would really help settle my mind. Thanx


    Oh Girl!!! sounds to me like you’re expecting!! I felt the exact same and i’m now 15 weeks along!! feels like the stomach flu but isnt..Take a test darlin’! It’s your best bet.


    Take the test honey, I just had my second child, and I felt exactly like you do when I found out, and I was three weeks along.


    babygurl it sounds like your pregnanat im 3months and thats exacly how i felt was nauses but i wasn’t throwing up


    hey girl take the test that would be the best thing i am 8wks

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