16 and single

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      I’m 16 almost 17 and almost 3 months pregnant, my boyfriend of almost a year just recently stopped talkin to me b/c of his parents. I love him more than anything, but one thing i would love for him to do is step up and be a man about this…he wanted the baby too. Now all he can do is say hes sorry and he never wanted any of this to happen, and that he feels the same way i do, i need help on how to make him pay attention and act on his feelings any advice…….. :pinch:


        First of all, if you keep it, he is requiered (sp) to provide, financially for the child. He should stand up for himself, because in the stressful months ahead, you are going to need someone to stand up for you.


          Do his parents not want you to have the baby? You may need to talk to them together? So that he’s not on his own, try to talk to him about it and make sure that he is sure about everything, without pushing him either way

          At 3 months pregnant are you showing a big bump? Have you put much weight on – sorry for asking just wanted to know for personal reasons


            My husband’s parents were the exact same way. At the time of my first pregnancy, I was 18, and he was 17. His mother insisted abortion, and when she found out that I wouldn’t, had him try to talk me into it, even though he had already agreed to help take care of our child. Ultimately I told him that I was keeping the baby, with or without him. He chose to stay with me, it took some time, but he realized the mistake he would have been making. My advice is to talk to him, and let him know your decision. Then let him know that he can either be part of his child’s life (if you decide to keep the baby), or that he can miss out on one of the best things in life. But also let him know that if he is not going to be there for the baby as a father, since he helped create this child (yes, it takes two to make a baby-my husband’s family argued this with me) he will help support it financially. It was not you alone who created this child, and he needs to step up to the plate. Hopefully he will come to realize what a gift you have been given, and even if it doesn’t work out for the two of you, he is still going to become a father. It is extremely scary, but nothing in life is better than being a parent. It may take some time for him to realize this, but lets hope he comes around. If not, good luck with whatever you decide (no, single parenting is not easy, but it is possible).


              I was in a very similar situation as you are now. Is your family supporting you at all? How about friends? I would definately say STAY IN SCHOOL! Finish school, because it will be the best thing for you and your child. If you don’t have any support at home then go to the counselors at school and they can help you and direct you to other support groups, maybe even a different school.(I went to an alternative school that had a program for pregnant teens too and I loved it–I really learned a lot.) My son will be three Oct. 2005 and his father isn’t involved but it’s better that way. If the father of your baby isn’t going to be man enough to stand up to your parents then he probably won’t be a very good daddy. I hope everything works out for you.

              Post edited by: Julie, at: 2005/07/26 14:44


                im 15 ill be 16 in september im 5 and half months pregnant..me and my boyfriend had been dating for over a year when we had sex for the first time..we used a condom and i got pregnant, before we were sexually active we said we’d always be together and had long surpassed anyone we knew who had had sex and we thought that we were ready after all we had outlasted andyone on the dating scale but recently he told me that since all this happend he thinks that he likes me as a friend he still loves me but is thinking about us just being friends after the baby is born. Sad part is is my parents redid the basement and im planning on keeping the baby and i feel so alone…it took him awhile to start really talking to me again and now hes okay now that im telling my every emotion which im sure you know is a whole lot. anyways i think its something that all guys go through…i think he’ll come around if you two were really in love. my aunt is due three days after me and her husband freaked out for awhile to…dont worry to much after all its alot to take in being a pregnant teenager and unmarried…hang in there.

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