16 and need help

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    my name is priscilla i am 16 years old ian i am only about a week prego my birthday was on saturday and after my party my omlet me go to my bf house i never though i would do it and i did and it happened on the firsttry i am so scared i took a bus to the doctors and took a test and i am my mom does not know and i dont have my dad my mom is gay she says that if i ever have a baby i have to give the baby up for adoption but i know to well about adoption i m adopted my self and i was adopted when i was 11 i dont want an abortion i want my baby my brothers ex was 15 when she had an abortion with my bros kid and i found that out the day of my party i dont know what to do i am so scared it seems like all teh kids in my family are having babies i dont wnat this but i wnat it at the same time i dont know what to do can someone plz help me


    i doubt a pregnancy test would come up positive after a week…if u *think* ur pregnant then u can be the only one to decide what to do. not ur mom, not anyone on this site, just u. if u r preg…things will turn out for the best aslong as YOU decide whats best for u.



    hi priscilla. i was 18 when i found out i was five months prego. My daughters father treid everything to make me give her up for adoption, in the end i stood my ground and said "no". as i didnt want my baby to be calling another woman mum. I no it sound silly but this was what i wanted. From this day on i have not regeted my descion. My daughter is now turing 13 and i would have missed it for the world. What im tryign to say is its your baby and your decsion. Take time to think thing through.
    hope everything turn out for you and yor baby


    i am sure i am i went tothe doctors ad they told me i was if my mom finds out she will kill me i have had the talk way to many time and i know my brother who is like a father to me will hate me for teh rest of my life my cousins who are 17 and 18 are expecting 2 and none of my family will talk to them except me but i love them and i will do anything for them my mom is stating to worrie becoause i want a job and want to get a credit card i just told her it was becuse i am old enough to work and i want to do it to earn extra money besides allowance and money i get from family i have no clue to how to tell them i hate abortion and i wont do adoption i am so scared i know that i will have to quit dance and acting lessions and but my dream job on hold but i am 16 and i love babies but i dont wnat one for my self my bf knows and he is here for me but it is not the same he does not have to face my family and everone i dont want to quit school i loved my life and now i have another life inside me i am so stupid now i have no life but now i have to worry about another life what do i do

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