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- This topic has 12 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 19 years, 10 months ago by
March 31, 2005 at 8:26 am #7179
Guestyou guys im really scared i think im pregnant and im 15!!!my mom has no idea so i really need someone to talk to…my stomach has hurt for almost a week now..it hurts to get up and down…you guys talk to me im really scared..
April 1, 2005 at 2:01 am #7193Anonymous
GuestBaby GIrl
just breathe and relax. Do not stress out. Allow yourself time and wait. Go take a pregnacy test. If its positive sit and tell your mom. Be an adult. You have choices and its your decision. Stay true to yourselfApril 1, 2005 at 3:48 am #7196Anonymous
GuestNicole, Sweetie calm down. What you need to do is get a home pregnancey test and find out for sure. Or if your embarassed to go get one make an apointment at the local clinic. Dont stress until you take the test and know for sure. And then if you are let me know We’ll take it one step at a time
Stay Strong NicoleApril 1, 2005 at 6:11 am #7200Anonymous
GuestDont worry I was 11 when i found out i was pregnant. That was 5 years ago. I was worried to tell my mom. But i did she was shock. You should tell your mom and find out if you are for you could get prenatal care. I did not have any prenatal care for my pregnancy. That made for a very hard delivery. Good Luck Nicole
April 1, 2005 at 6:13 am #7201Anonymous
GuestGIrl listen..I am 15 and i have already been pregnant twice. The first time i didn’t tell anyone..i gave that baby up..biggest mistake of my life. he second time My mom found out through somone else..i lost that baby. I was so scared to tell my mother because i was on;y 15. Your stmache pains may not be that your preganant but if they are you need to see a docotr. And if they are not pregnancy pains they could be somthuin else that needs medical attention so either way you need to see a docotr. I am guessing your mother loves you very much and she probably never thought her 15 year old would be pregnant..neither did mine. but she wasn’t disappointed in me about been preganat but that she had to find out form somone else and that i owuldn’t come talk to her. NOw after losing my baby I iwsh i would have told her and got medical care sooner. I think your mom would raher you come to her than do this on oyur own. Thats my personal opinion form experiance. Luv, Katie
April 1, 2005 at 6:29 am #7204Anonymous
Guesti sorta know wh@ ur goin’ through except i’m 16 fixin’ to be 17 and my parents know th@ there’s a hugh chance i might be but newayz. if u haven’t mixed a period yet u can do one of two things. u cud wait 2 c if u do or u cud go 2 the doc. to take a test. also look for other symptoms like sore breast, tiredness, increase appetite and others that u can actually find on this website under early signs of pregnancy. i really think u shud tlk 2 ur mom about this also u may be suprised how supportive she may be and if not there are other ppl out there who will be. if u need to tlk just email me netime and good luck plz. let us all know the results. 🙂
April 1, 2005 at 6:37 am #7205Anonymous
Guesthey, the best thing you can do is to calm down and take this step by step. you should probably go to the store and get a pregnancy test to see if your relly pregnant. after that you need to decide whethere to tell your parents and get help. you may be scared right now but good things can come out of this too…people get through it all the time…you can too. good luck
April 1, 2005 at 4:19 pm #7212Anonymous
Guesthey. i’m 17 and i thought i was pregnant too, jsut a month ago. I took 2 different tests though and they came back negative. I made myself so worried that I think that i sort of caused my period to delay. I also read all the symptoms online and almost all of them I can be like i have that. I think it’s a lot of in your head. Try relaxing and taking a test. If its early you can try that first response test…it works a few days before your 1st missed period. If you are pregnant, talk to the father, and probably talking to a parent would be a good idea too. Make sure you look for help with people you can trust not to spill the beans ya kno. GOOD LUCK. i really hope everything works out alright for you.
April 5, 2005 at 12:12 am #7243Anonymous
Guestim 11 and pregnant im terified to but there we go.
April 20, 2005 at 8:20 am #7453Anonymous
Guestyou guys thank you all for the support.i really appriciate it very much..but its sad to say heres my new update i lost the baby sunday 17th i have cried for the past two days.saying im so sorry why me..why did this happen to me..im 15 and lost a baby…i just wanted to say thank you..right now i just need to take a step back and figure out were i am in life.thanks agian for all the support…get back to me…nicole
April 20, 2005 at 1:28 pm #7456Anonymous
GuestI was 15 and got pregnant dont worry take it one day at a time try not to worry about telling your mom youll need her help trust me i didnt tell anyone i wish i did and i am so lucky my daughter is so healthy good luck it will all work our
April 20, 2005 at 7:49 pm #7460Anonymous
Guesthey i just read ur update i’m so sorry for u my friend recently lost hers so i kinder understand i wish u all the strength in the world at this time
April 21, 2005 at 6:53 am #7472ChantiStar
ParticipantI am sorry for your loss. You will get through it. Just know that it is ok to have a miscarriage because your body knew your baby wouldn’t survive. Your body is just taking care of both of you and so is God. That is why he designed us with perfection. Talk to Him and go somewhere in Nature so you will feel more at peace. While there talk to God and tell him how you feel. Take your dog or write in your journal. Sometimes when I’ve been upset (as a teenager) I would write huge ps’d off words all over my notebook pages. I really took it out on stuff like that. You will be okay. I knew a girl at 16 who lost a baby, too, and she told us all at camp one summer while we were in a circle talking. Life will go on. You are so young and inexperienced–talk to a priest and grief counselor. Love you.
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