to finish school this year, or not to finish school this year.. help!!
Okay, so here’s my situation. I’m in 12th grade and I had applied for college before I found out I was pregnant. The only problem is that the program I need is at least 2 hours away and my boyfriend still has one year of high school left to go. Which means I can’t just […]

Okay, so here’s my situation.

I’m in 12th grade and I had applied for college before I found out I was pregnant. The only problem is that the program I need is at least 2 hours away and my boyfriend still has one year of high school left to go. Which means I can’t just bring the baby with me cause that isn’t fair to him. I’m due August 26th. School, both high school and college, starts like 2 weeks later. So college at this point is a big no-no.
But I could graduate and work all year next year. But when it comes to reapplying for college, I feel like I’m missing some courses. I want my English Lit. which I don’t have and I want another writing course. I’m taking English 12 right now, but I and my teacher keep butting heads and I have breakdowns in her class. I can’t take it anymore so if I drop out and won’t graduate. I still have one more option…

There is this school for teen parents down the road from my school (YPSP), but to get it you cannot have graduated. So if I don’t graduate and go there next year, I can finish any courses I want and get free daycare. these are the services you get there:

  • Parenting programs
  • Life skills training
  • Opportunity to receive a high school diploma
  • Licensed childcare provided on-site
  • Playroom for children and their mothers
  • Scholarships for post-secondary education
  • Advocacy
  • Outreach for individual support to rural areas of the County

Like I donno if it would be better for me to just take it slow for now and then go there next year. That way, I can finish the same year as my boyfriend, or if I should just see if I can finish my English class online. But I also have another class that I absolutely hate and that I don’t need because I don’t wanna go to college for that.

What should I do!!?? HELP!

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